Reinventing yourself is scary. It is essentially human nature to stick to what you know.

Yesterday, I posted a podcast on medical bills and just more on my anxiety with this diagnosis. And I was thinking about how that may come across to others. I never want to be in a “why me,” type of mindset. I don’t want pity. It is so easy to fall into that place. I think about all the depths of where I was most depressed and physically unable to work. I’m no longer that person anymore.

Reflecting is a tool I’m always using.

I was sitting and thinking about what little me wanted to hear. She would be floored if she knew I no longer drink, started a blog and a podcast, and have been in a safe-supportive relationship. She would literally be smiling with joy. I know I would not have made those shifts if I did not work on my mindset.

I try to live in the present, as I preach in previous posts. ( When I reflect, though, I use what l needed to hear in the past and the patterns that have gotten me the outcomes I did not want. People say don’t live in those moments. You can use them as a mode of reflection. I know I would not have made those shifts if I didn’t work on my mindset.

One of the first things I look at is the patterns in my life.

  • What occurrences frequently pop up in your life?

  • What are your feelings and attitudes towards this?

  • How do you shift your mindset to more positive thinking patterns?

I want to embody the future that is most meant for me.

I love being inspired by how far of come and how much farther I have to go. Who do I want to be in the future? Here are some of the first questions I ask.

What matters to you?

  • Are you family-oriented?

  • Do you appreciate social gatherings?

  • Do you have any passions?

  • Would you want to be wealthy?

  • Do you work hard or want more relaxation?

  • Both?

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

I won’t go into my specific goals or where I see myself. Abundance is a strong theme. Get specific on what you want. List out all the ideas you have, as wild as they could be.

What can you do now?

What is one thing you can incorporate in your life that can help you toward the goal? It can be as simple as drinking more water or as complex as starting your business. Once you start taking the steps and feeling confident in yourself, more will go your way. It is all interrelated.

Having a positive mindset is key to your happiness. A “glass-half-full” mindset will make even your biggest problems seem miniscule. You’ll be able to tackle anything. Look back on your values to help you. Embody your future self and how they would solve those problems.

Final thoughts.

I reinvented myself a few times. It’s my superpower. There’s nothing wrong with trying new things and trying to discover what resonates with you best. Your goals change. Things come up that may change your trajectory. And that’s okay! I hope you use this as a time to reflect!


