Welcome back!

I am so blessed to have you here for another transformative year! I have learned so much and fell in love with sharing content. I have some goals I want to share and others I’m choosing to keep quiet… BUT, I wanted to walk you through my goal writing process for this year.


I started my goal writing process by highlighting what I was proud of myself for doing. This included starting this blog, creating a social media presence, putting my values first in situations, and more! I had about 30 items on this list.

Next, I wrote about my fears. What I was afraid of. What I did not do as well. Where I would benefit from continuing to grow.

Next, I wrote a list of what traits of others brought up feelings of envy or jealousy. (there’s a girl on TikTok who talked about a similar step).

The things that brought up jealousy and envy showed me things I wanted to see be done in myself. This helped me paint a picture of my accomplishments and where I wanted to take my business.

On a poster board with post-it notes, I drafted my dreams (in between realistic goals and my absolute, wildest dreams) on post-it notes with a feeling attached of how it would be to achieve this goal. Along with this, I looked at my fears and areas of growth. I wrote out affirmations that helped me grow out of these.

I’ve looked at it every day since I made it, and it’s helped get me out of bed and ready to tackle my dreams.

My plans for the new year

I am excited to take my blog and store to the next level. These have been goals of mine that I finally took into account to lift off.

I hope to blog 2-3 times a week, including “what I learned this week” to highlight my love for learning as well as mindfulness and a neuroscience-related posts

Socials I have been loving

I hope to continue to post on TikTok as regularly as I have been. I do not care for Instagram, but I find that’s part of how I have grown - thus, I will continue to post on it LOL.

I also adore my podcast, so I will post in tandem with this blog and add some spicy details over the microphone.

I was talking to my friend and decided to give YouTube another shot. I have so many ideas. For example, taking you through my day and telling you the knowledge and breakthroughs I come to find. Again, I love having a creative outlet, and for some reason, I find talking to the camera… cathartic. It is natural to me.

How my outlook has changed

I have a great feeling about 2024. I feel inspired and invigorated to explore my dreams. More ideas keep coming into my mind. I am in a very expansive part of my “girl boss” stage. One of my major goals is to stay organized with this business. I use notion templates to help keep my topics and content organized in a calendar.

I have plans to prioritize my mornings, as I have been doing. Covering gratitude, my fears, and my strides/strengths every morning. I previously rewrote some of my past fears to help me level up in life. Something that I remind myself is that for each success or each level up comes another set of problems. That is just human life! This chapter of your life is setting you up for your next one. I need to lean into the discomfort of life to keep growing.

Business Mindset

I am detaching myself from needing the results. There is so much beauty in allowing yourself to just create and spread your mindset without the pressure of others. Without the pressure of likes. I am trusting I have everything I need right now, evidence or not. I am trusting I have the attention I deserve, evidence or not.

From this point on

I am so excited to see you tune in for what is to come. If you are interested in any topic specifically, please let me know in the comments- I would love to cover it! We are going to grow together and accomplish our goals this year. The world is so abundant and there are so many opportunities that we do not even know exist.


What I learned this week


guess my health with me: new symptoms