The Little, Scattered Messages

There comes a time in your life when you look back at all the fine, minute details that you passed mindlessly. A certain car you wanted. A block you passed a lot. A dog that ran up to you. The day comes where you look back and reevaluate on how those little things that passed you unconsciously, became a bigger part of your life.

I think of the time I was in high school. We would always be on a street and then walk down to the beach. I thought nothing of it. We would park in the zone and pray we wouldn’t get a ticket. 10 years later, I now live in that zone and can park freely.

I don’t believe in coincidences.

When I make the conscious decision to listen in silence, I find that some of my greatest ideas come to light. When I pay attention to my surroundings in times of weakness or stress, I find answers. We are continuously stimulated to the world around us. What if we just sat back and listened?




An Educator's Prayer