An Educator's Prayer

A bad day does not equal a bad life. I am sitting here overwhelmed, knowing I am digging a hole to bury myself in the dooms of what they call "burnout." The irritability. The shakiness that arises from feeling stuck. The stagnant energy of what I truly want to do is trying to make its way to create instead of quantify. This is what our society is coming to. 
I adore my job. I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me. I feel pushed more and more toward the point that I am disconnected from my true fate. I pray that some magic billboard will paint a big arrow that points me to my life’s purpose. I recognize that my funk is coming from a lack of clarity. Lack of meaning. 

Though I may not have had the most transformative day, the most constructive day. I find myself smiling at the student who showed me her horse collection. I find myself smiling at the student who thought my military antonym game was fun. I smile knowing I made my special education coordinator laugh at the misfortune of the team’s miscommunication. These oddities in life give me hope that I can find purpose through the gleams of others. This gives me faith that I am okay even when I may not feel that I am.


The Little, Scattered Messages


April Showers