Make Language Learning Part of Your Holiday!
Here, at My Clarity Therapy, we value incorporating language learning opportunities into everyday situations. We utilize a parent coaching model to support your child’s development, making you (the parent/caregiver) an active participate in therapy!
Make Opportunities to use “Help” and “Open”
If your family is celebrating holidays with presents or special activities, create moments where your child can request “help” or “open.”
Model the word before assisting!
Hold up the gift/item and say “help” or “do you need help”
Point to the present and say “open” or “let’s open”
If you are decorating a tree or getting ready, use these as opportunities to use “help.”
Ask these words if your child looks like they are confused or attempting to communicate.
Cook and Bake Together
Expose your child to new foods, help them feel included in the process, and practice important language skills.
Use action words: “Chop, chop!” “Roll, roll!” “Mix, mix,” that can help support imitation.
Add descriptive words: “Sticky dough,” “hot pan,” “big bowl.”
Narrate the steps you’re taking (e.g., “I’m pouring the flour into the bowl.”).
Work one level above your child! For example, if your child doesn’t use words yet, model single words (e.g., “Roll”).
Bonus Tip: Pause during tasks and wait for your child to gesture, vocalize, or use words to communicate what they want or need.