How To Say The /Ch/ Sound - Speech Therapy

Is your child saying /sh/ in place of /ch/? Here’s how to help with this!

My three tips when saying /ch/ instead of /sh/

  1. Round your lips: This helps you keep the /ch/ in place, so you don’t produce an /s/ or /t/.

  2. Keep your tongue tip up: /Ch/ can often be misplaced with /sh/. Keeping your tongue tip higher will help you, so you don’t produce a /sh/.

  3. Burst of air: /Ch/ is a voiceless postalveolar affricate (sorry for the jargon), sounding like a combination between /t/ and /sh/. We want the burst, like the /t/, but still with rounding out lips and with out tongue a little further back.

Words to practice:

  1. Chair

  2. Chicken

  3. Cheese

  4. Chocolate

  5. Child

  6. Chapter

  7. Challenge

  8. Change

  9. Check

  10. Cherry


My favorite tips and tricks to say /r/


More Than Speech Sounds: Exploring Speech-Language Pathology