What I learned this week

Going into the new year, I wanted to prioritize a good way to send out the information I’m learning. It is like a newsletter, rather it is accessible regardless if you have a subscription to it or not!

Here are the topics of inspiration I learned last week:

  1. You are in the way of your happiness. People choose to sit in unhappiness because it is easier for them. It is predictable and comfortable. It makes me think of the man who says “I would write the book if I had the time.” Is this dispositioned fear? Is this more related to his unwillingness to share thoughts and be critiqued? In reality, he can take the jump and make the time if he puts his happiness first.

    I resonated with this greatly. I felt this regarding my previous trials with content creation (LOL). I guess as I’m typing this out, I do not mean entirely happiness but rather fulfillment. I seek to be fulfilled in life. And because of that, I find myself being in situations of discomfort. I find myself in situations where the risk may impact my ego more, but the reward overrides any insecurity that may come about.

  2. A good reminder: anxiety is just disorganized fear. Man, the overwhelmingness really gnaws at me sometimes. I feel like I am being thrown into situations where the days are up to my making. And it is challenging! Having to structure your whole day when you have 53 things to do with similar priority levels. This is where anxiety comes in.

    I mentioned in my previous post that I seek more organization in my business plans. I hope to do that in my day job as well as in my personal life! Having a planner accessible and reminders on my phone has been monumental.

  3. THOUGHTS ARE THE LEADING CAUSE FOR BACK PROBLEMS. I have a whole YouTube video and blog post coming on my journey back to the chiropractor. After my head injury in high school, I sustained a lot of neck pain. My c-spine (cervical, where my neck is) is currently reversed. Fun! Following this discovery, my chiropractor mentioned just how thoughts can cause muscle tension, pull on your spine, and cause subluxations (i.e., an incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint or organ). My muscle pain has only gotten worse because it is trying to compensate and successfully move with my spine. This can only lead to more subluxations, especially if you are still tense! Hunched over your computer in stress, clenching your jaw, and just feeling anxious can cause this tension to arise. I’m planning to set reminders on my phone to check my tension throughout the day… since I am sitting at home so frequently.

  4. Kári Stefánsson, founder and CEO of deCODE, said: “To be creative, you have to think differently. And when we are different, we have a tendency to be labeled strange, crazy, and even insane.” To be successful, you have to think out of the box. You have to think differently. That is how you stand out. That is how you become successful.

    While I have been embarking on this blogging and social media exploration, I keep this idea in mind. Although this may be labeled “weird” or “cringy,” it is something that has brought me success in more ways than one. It is something that I trust will continually bring me more success, traction to my site, and sales. Aside from success, I found great enjoyment in expressing myself in words and sharing my view on life. For me, I use my creativity to make the challenges in my life smoother.

    We are different learners. We all have different strengths. Tap into what works best for you, and see how it helps you shine.

I hope you appreciated this blog post. I hope to see you back next Friday!


Fear Response in Brain: Your Fears are Inflated
