Become an artist: we are all natural creators

Natural Creators

I believe we all have some type of creativity that most do not tap into. There is that “child-like” part of you that is dying to come out and just play with color. Or pick up that instrument you haven’t touched in years. Or make a dance. Or write a book. What was the moment you last created art and then chose not to pick it back up again? 

So often do people think we have to be the best at art to enjoy it. That is simply not the case. To work on a part of you that you haven’t tapped into in decades means you have to face some trial and error. You may make a lot of bad art at first. You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great if that is your goal. Allow yourself to mess up. Allow yourself to be fun. Allow yourself to critique your work and see how you can change it to make it one step better than the last. You might find so much beauty in it. 

Is it realistic?

What I also want to add is the disbelief that you cannot feel fulfilled by simply being creative. (whether that be financially or personally or however you quantify your fulfillment) There are so many disbeliefs about being a creative. For all you know, you can choose to try and write or paint as an outlet from your job. Once you return to your job, you may find that you have less stress and can focus on what is in front of you. 

Now, I mentioned that you do not have to do well at art to enjoy it. That being said, I have looked at the idea of how to continue blogging and expanding my reach to other people. I am greeted by the notion of “quality over quantity.” Where does your work stand? Are you posting just to meet the weekly timeline? 

 I thought about posting weekly Mondays and Fridays. I felt that these time constraints were making it difficult for me to let things flow as they naturally would. For example, I decided that I had too much on my plate to post a blog post on Monday. I decided to sit it out. It is now Wednesday, and I am on a flight to Florida and I pumped out 1200 words and a blog post. 

Flow state:

I find that there is so much beauty in letting things flow how they should. For me, writing allows me to process what I want to learn and how I want to heal the world around me. I find it so rewarding to see my view count go up and be able to interact with people who have a similar mindset as me. 

When did life get so boring to you? So bland? When we were little, we had paints, coloring books, nature, and time. Why can’t we bring it back?


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